
Au Revoir Taipei: Come to meet this charming city.

國片【一頁台北】(Au Revoir Taipei)這部小品電影是一部浪漫喜劇,描繪在台北這個繁忙的都市裡關於戀愛的故事。本片獲得2010年柏林影展最佳亞洲電影獎,2010 香港國際電影節費比西國際影評人獎與奈派克亞洲電影獎入圍,也是2010年舊金山亞美影展閉幕影片,廣受好評。片中捕捉的台北特色如士林夜市、台北捷運、便利商店、誠品書店等片段展現了台北夜晚的無限活力。台灣將於4/2上映,也希望國外朋友有機會能藉由此片一窺台北充滿獨特魅力的生活。



"Au Revoir Taipei" is a romantic comedy which depicts stories in this city, stories about love, friendship, and life. This film has won the Best Asian Film Award in Berlin International Film Festival 2010, and got lots of attention from foreign audiences. In this film, you can see some characteristic elements of Taipei, such as the 24/7 convenient stores, the 24/7 Eslite bookstore, the night market, snack venders, and the crowded metro scenes...etc., which can let you have a peek of the energetic and unique lifestyle in Taipei.

more english information go check HERE and HERE.


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